Vicious Mole Theatre Collective

Ariana looking to the viewer's left, Andrew looking toward the viewer, photo by Katrin Talbot
Ariana Karp and Andrew Codispoti. Photo by Katrin Talbot

Shakespeare’s Duets:
Turn & Change

Join us for an exploration of the infinity between two people as we look at how relationships are initiated, developed, and interrogated in Shakespeare’s plays. From love and loss, joy and heartbreak, manipulation and negotiation, witness drama at its most distilled: two characters on the stage before the audience as they turn together and change each other.

Turn & Change is being devised by ensemble members Ariana Karp and Andrew Codispoti with support from the Collective as well as ISC Santa Fe.

Where to see it

We will post here when our next performance date is set. Want to book us for a performance at your venue? Get in touch!

Support the Project

We appreciate your generous support for this ongoing project. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Make a tax-deductible donation to support this project
  • Get in touch if you’d like to book a performance for your venue, institution, or your living room! Workshops exploring our rehearsal/devising methods are also available.

Contributions will go to support the artists during future work sessions, and will make it possible for us to continue to offer performances of Turn & Change on a pay-what-you-will basis.

Performance History

Special Thanks

The following deserve our thanks for their support of this project along its winding way.


Photography & videography by Katrin Talbot.

Andrew and Ariana playing partner sticks game, photo by Katrin Talbot
Andrew and Ariana face each other under bright stage lights, photo by Katrin Talbot
Andrew and Ariana rehearsing, photo by Katrin Talbot
Ariana, in chair, reaches out to Andrew, sitting on the floor & backing away from her, photo by Katrin Talbot